
Showing posts from September, 2021

Redirect user to Salesforce UI using Session Ids

Recently, I was working on interesting requirement where user had to be redirected to Salesforce application with session id. Sharing the details about how we can achieve this in Salesforce. Once the user enters his credentials on Salesforce login screen, on successful authentication Salesforce internally redirects user to default landing page using frontdoor.jsp . Salesforce has leveraged this feature for developers. For using frontdoor.jsp , couple of things are required, first is server url (it can be or or custom domain url) and second is active session id < server url >/ secur / frontdoor . jsp ? sid =< session_id > Eg. https: //!ARkAQLF3GhBYzftBP42x6oviafHgbc3Op_cfbylGDPbTAbE3cMeVKSOoZIa3U5Zi51VPMSEKTC3oVcX